State Senate Candidate Carla Gericke (District 20)

gericke_carla_libertopia2014State Senate candidate Carla Gericke and her husband Louis Calitz moved to New Hampshire from New York City in 2008 as part of the Free State Project. Gericke has demonstrated considerable ties to the Free State Project, including:

Gericke served as President of the Free State Project for 5 years. Gericke served as president of the FSP from 2011 to 2016. As president, Gericke spearheaded the drive to get 20,000 people to sign a pledge to move to New Hampshire, a goal that was achieved in early 2016. (Free State Project- Blogs- Carla Gericke: It’s Official! FSP President Carla Gericke’s Speech from the Trigger the Move Press Conference: 02.02.16)

Gericke donated over $1000 to the Free State Project to support marketing efforts aimed at encouraging more people to sign a pledge to move to New Hampshire. The majority of FSP participants will not move until 20,000 individuals have signed on for the Free State Project. (Trigger the Move Patrons)

Gericke organized the Porcupine Freedom Fest, a yearly Free State Project showcase and recruitment event, in 2009 and 2010. Gericke organized Porcupine Freedom Festival in 2009 and 2010, and has presented at the event. (PorcFest XII- Schedule-Speakers- Carla Gericke)

Why is Carla Gericke’s FSP Affiliation Important?

The ultra-extreme Free State Project voted on a state to move 20,000 people to, with the stated purpose to take over state government and dismantle it. The Free State Project seeks to create a libertarian “utopia” void of public infrastructure and common laws, and to use the power of numbers to dramatically change New Hampshire – even threatening secession from the rest of the country.[1] Members like Carla Gericke are actively working to help the Free State Project fulfill those goals.

 Download GSP Profile – Free State Project Member Carla Gericke

[1] “Once we’ve taken over the state government, we can slash state and local budgets, which make up a sizeable proportion of the tax and regulatory burden we face every day. Furthermore, we can eliminate substantial federal interference by refusing to take highway funds and the strings attached to them. Once we’ve accomplished these things, we can bargain with the national government over reducing the role of the national government in our state. We can use the threat of secession as leverage to do this.” [Announcement:
The Free State Project by Founder Jason Sorens]